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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Plan

The DEI Task Force met with various CMS constituent groups throughout the 2021-2022 school year to devise a plan for Chesapeake Montessori School to reflect our goals as a community around the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. With feedback from all of these groups, and in consultation with the Head of School and Dr. Valaida Wise, the task force finalized the goals and strategies, and prepared them for final approval by the Board of Trustees.

Please read the DEI Strategic Plan below.

Statement from the Board of Trustees

Supporting diversity, equity and inclusion remains a priority at Chesapeake Montessori School both at the school and in the community. Members of the board recognize and applaud the great work being accomplished by the DEI Task Force and the DEI Committee. The most recent example of their work was the creation of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategic Plan; this plan outlines goals and initiatives related to DEI at the school. The entire Board of Trustees reviewed the strategic plan and voted unanimously to support it, and we as members of the board and the CMS community look forward to implementing the important work outlined in this plan and to providing the support needed to ensure that the goals are reached.

Goals of the DEI Strategic Plan

  • Cultivate a school culture that welcomes, engages, and embraces a broad spectrum of social, racial, ethnic, gender, cultural, and socioeconomic identities and physical and mental abilities.
  • Create a safe space for sustained dialogue with tools to empower each community member. 
  • Nurture inclusivity, dignity, and belonging for each person in our school community.
  • Design and support intentional Montessori environments that reflect global diversity and that are enriched by a variety of perspectives and experiences.
  • Build relationships beyond CMS to both inform our work and influence broader social change.

Statement on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Black Lives Matter protests highlight systemic racism that exists in our society. Other systemic inequities stemming from national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, socioeconomics, age, and disability, and other statuses, exist as well. These injustices are real, and they present real-life challenges for individuals, both in society-at-large and in our school’s community. 

We are committed to aligning our school’s policies with the goal of confronting racism and other systemic injustices, inequities, and biases, in order to create an equitable environment for our students and our community. That goal is consistent with the Montessori principles of respect, peace, and justice. It is also aligned with our school’s mission to guide children to become confident, respectful, kind, and independent individuals. 

Accordingly, we acknowledge and value our community’s diversity in all its forms. We consistently strive to ensure the inclusion of different viewpoints, and aim to foster constructive dialogue and discourse on challenging topics. We pledge to foster the education of our community about racial bias, and bias in all its forms–both conscious and unconscious. We recognize that this type of work is difficult and ongoing.

The History of CMS’s DEI Work and Contact Information

In the fall of 2017, while taking part in a three-year self-study process guided by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools, CMS formed a group of staff, faculty, and parents to address diversity, equity, and inclusion. This group became the DEI Committee, which has furthered this important work on an annual basis.  If you would like to contact a member of the DEI Committee and voice a comment or concern, please do so using the following email address:

