CMS Mission Statement
Chesapeake Montessori School guides children and adolescents in their development to become confident, respectful, kind, and independent individuals with well-developed powers of reasoning and a joy for learning. Using Montessori theory and practice of individualized learning in a whole-school community, we are committed to creating rich and healthy environments indoors and outdoors that provide intellectual, academic, social, and emotional preparation for life.
Vision Statement
The vision of Chesapeake Montessori School is to be a responsible Montessori school. We honor our responsibility to respect the child and adolescent as we endeavor to understand and respond to their developmental needs. We honor our responsibility to provide effective, enriching, and engaging education through our commitment to Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) standards. This vision extends beyond our campuses as we honor our responsibilities to educate CMS community members, to support the Annapolis and surrounding communities, and to serve as a model of authentic Montessori education, providing a data point for the national education reform conversation.