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Chesapeake Montessori School is fortunate to have caring and involved parents who are committed to and engaged in their children’s growth and education and supportive of our school’s mission.

Our parents are generous with their time and talent: participating on PTO committees, serving on the Board of Trustees, chaperoning field trips, helping with class gardens, or sharing a unique talent with a class.

The faculty and staff at CMS are committed to parents as well. They work to keep parents informed about their children’s education and encourage parents to contact their child’s teacher whenever they have questions. Newsletters and emails are distributed regularly to provide parents with information about general Montessori practices and specific CMS news. Coffees, orientations, parent meetings and conferences are held to provide additional information and feedback. Parents are also encouraged to schedule classroom observations to see our program in action. There is a small circulating library in the office so that parents can become better informed about Montessori theory and child development in general.


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